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Thank you for your interest in creating a banner for Living History Day.

Make sure your banner prominently says Living History Day.


Q: What size should my banner be?

A. There is no specific length requirement, but it cannot be wider than two feet. Think about the banners that are used to show  when a new business is opening. Your banner should be able to be seen by the whole school on Living History Day.


Q. Can I put “XYZ” on my banner?

A. Yes, you may draw/collage/mosaic specific people. Remember that Living History Day spans many centuries. Your banner should represent several time periods.


Q. Can I print pictures and glue them onto my banner?

A. No, please do not do that. Use your creativity. You should draw/collage/mosaic or use other media.


Q. Where do I get the paper for my banner?

A. Your teacher or Mrs. Hanna/Mr. Roe/Mrs. Fernandez can tear off paper from the big rolls for you.


Q. How many people can work together?

A. We have set no limit to the number of people working on the banners. Please be sure to include all names on the back of your submission or on a post-it note stuck to the final banner.


Q. When do we work on this?

A. Any time in school that your teacher(s) allows or outside of school. They are due to Mrs. Hanna on or before February 27th.






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